Unlock Your Health & Live Your Best Life: Holistic Healthcare for the Whole Family

Other than that, some practical tips that helped were:

1.) Allowing one day out of the week where you truly prioritise time with family has also been helpful. 

2.) Communicating with family what you are up to.

Just enough communication helps them understand too, and there is no space for assumptions. And sometimes, they, in turn, also help you with getting your work done. 

In fact, there was a young entrepreneur I saw recently post about this where she stated that sometimes it actually takes a village, and I believe that truly. Because as you change, if you’re living with people, it would require their lifestyle to change a bit too. Your growth will impact their growth, and they may also begin to help you in whatever way they can.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Other than what has been already named above, one of the challenges I overcame was learning that people will not understand their health to the same extent as you do. Because people have grown up acknowledging that pain is the only signal that pushes one to do something about their body. Other signs such as energy levels, posture, moods, bowel motions, appetite, or sleep can go unnoticed or be seen as unimportant. This then means when we go to suggest ways to maintain better health, it can be seen as not important at all. 

This became a mission for me to help people understand that all these things that are considered “normal” in the human body on a day-to-day basis really aren’t. Your body can be in a better space, in fact it is made to be doing that so you can show up as the best version of yourself in your valued roles.

Repetitive communication – various ways of communication is what I learnt will help people to understand this slightly better, and therefore prioritise their Spinal and Nervous System health. 

Another thing I had to learn was the idea of letting money flow in and out. This challenge will be a vulnerable share.

Prior to being a business owner, I was great at putting money aside to save for certain things. However, becoming a business owner meant managing more cash flow, with a lot more expenses. In amongst this learning, what truly helped was separating the idea of me and the business. Learning that I, the person, put in the work for the business –> helps create flow in business –> healthy business allows me to serve people. That flow in business that is required is similar in humans where we have a flow of nutrients, in and out of the body. Beginning to get my head around this idea helped me work less from fear, and more from a space of passion with knowledge.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Running your own business is such a blessing as you now get to act upon the dreams you had in your heart. It feels like you are able to create an impact on many levels because of the freedom you have with creating structures. Being able to have an impact on many levels also requires that work too though. Because it is your own, you are required to understand the Logistics & Ethics, and do more hours. There is a sense of more responsibility. 

On the bright side, once you have learnt and understood business, you get to grow and step back by delegating tasks to those who specialise in the areas you would like to give the tasks away to. 

In the beginning stages, while you’re growing and learning – you get to mostly have things done your way with your timings and your rules. You are the creator of that! So there are wins in both scenarios. 

I truly believe though that the only reason this is seen as hard is because it is a different lifestyle to what we are used to. Once we are able to recognise our own attraction to familiarity that creates these challenges or pros and cons, it becomes easier to acknowledge that the “challenges” are just new spaces.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

My dreams… Well, the more I’ve worked with people, the more I have been able to learn the body’s potential. In Chiropractic College, you’re told that the body has the ability to do so much as long as it is in the right environment. I got to see the true meaning of this when I began seeing more people in practice, and began helping more people. 

Some of the simplest exercises and most basic approaches have allowed people to change more than just their neck/back pain or posture. People have been able to also improve or change aspects of their life they didn’t realise needed improving as it had become “their normal”. Seeing this, and reading more about other research done, and other’s experiences, I really want people to recognise their potential. 

I want people to be able to realise they can be better versions of themselves – better partners, leaders, parents, workers, etc., through simply having a body that is functioning free of limiting tension. This goes back to the factors I had mentioned earlier – the different layers in the body. 

I wish to do this through expanding our reach at Functional Health, help more people, grow the team to be able to serve more, and also through social media, speaking and publishing books in the future. 

There are two ways for people to act on this:

1.) Adults – recognising that its not too late to start rewiring and rewriting their life. 

2.) Children – Once adults understand the idea of layers, we can start making the foundation for children the best possible by ensuring they are staying well looked after from a young age.

Visit the Functional Health website to find out more about the services they offer. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.

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