Welcoming Extended Breastfeeding: Nourishing Bonds, Honouring Divine Connection

My decision to breastfeed beyond infancy is ultimately a testament to the sacred connection I share with my son, guided by divine love and nurturing energy. It’s a choice made not out of obligation or expectation but out of reverence for the spiritual journey of motherhood and the profound bond it fosters between us.

Amidst doubts and criticisms, I found solace in the unwavering support of a few amazing friends who, like me, were committed to breastfeeding beyond infancy as a spiritual practice. Together, we formed a sanctuary of understanding and encouragement, guided by the divine feminine energy that flows through each of us as mothers.

Scientific research has long affirmed the myriad benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and child. Breast milk is not only rich in essential nutrients and antibodies but also contains sacred energy and healing vibrations that help protect against illnesses and infections. The act of breastfeeding itself fosters a deep spiritual bond between mother and child, nurturing the soul and fostering emotional security and attachment rooted in divine love.

Furthermore, breastfeeding offers unique spiritual benefits during times of distress or discomfort. For instance, during teething, breastfeeding can provide soothing relief for a teething child, offering both physical comfort and emotional reassurance rooted in divine compassion. Similarly, when my son is upset or restless, breastfeeding serves as a spiritual practice of grounding and centring, helping him find peace and serenity in the loving embrace of the divine mother.

Breast milk is not only rich in essential nutrients and antibodies but also contains sacred energy and healing vibrations that help protect against illnesses and infections.

But the spiritual benefits extend beyond infancy. Research has shown that breastfeeding can have long-term spiritual benefits for both mother and child, fostering a deep connection to the divine feminine energy that flows through each of us. For mothers, breastfeeding has been linked to a heightened sense of spiritual awareness and connection, as well as a greater capacity for divine love and compassion. For children, breast milk provides nourishment for the body, mind, and soul, fostering spiritual growth and development rooted in divine wisdom and love.

As I reflect on my journey of extended breastfeeding through a spiritual lens, I am reminded of the strength and resilience that comes from embracing motherhood as a sacred practice guided by divine love. Despite the challenges and criticisms, I am grateful for the opportunity to provide my son with something he needs, something that only I can give him as a vessel of divine nurturing energy. Extended breastfeeding is not just about physical nourishment; it’s about nurturing bonds, honouring divine connection, and embracing the beauty of motherhood as a spiritual journey guided by divine wisdom and love.

To all the mothers navigating similar spiritual paths, know that you are not alone. Your journey is valid, your choices are guided by divine wisdom, and your strength is immeasurable in the eyes of the divine mother. Together, let us celebrate the beauty and blessings of extended breastfeeding as a sacred practice rooted in divine love and nurturing energy, and may it serve as a testament to the power of maternal love and spiritual resilience.

Sanne Storm is a seasoned motherhood coach dedicated to empowering conscious mothers and nurturing the next generation. As the owner of The OM Yoga Loft in Paremata, she provides sacred spaces where mothers can connect, grow, and thrive. With over a decade of experience in yoga, meditation, and spiritual practices, Sanne specialises in supporting mothers through pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond, while also guiding them in raising conscious children. Through her Motherhood Circles, she cultivates a supportive community where mothers share experiences, find guidance, and elevate their spiritual journey together. Sanne’s holistic approach integrates yoga, meditation, breathwork, and intuitive coaching to help mothers navigate the beautiful complexities of motherhood and parenting with grace and resilience. She is committed to uplifting and empowering mothers to raise conscious children who will contribute positively to humanity, fostering a space where they can embrace their innate wisdom and nurture their souls, while also shaping a brighter future for all.

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