Red Skin Syndrome cannot be cured. It will clear on its own with time and the absence of topical steroids. Besides stopping the steroid use, your doctor may recommend colloidal oatmeal baths and oral medications containing Diphenhydramine, an anti-histamine, to help sleep, or Pregabalin, a medication commonly prescribed for nerve pain, if you have symptoms such as sharp, stabbing, shooting pains. Other remedies include Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) or Ibuprofen for pain. Jojoba oil and Shea Butter may be applied to dry skin, and for open sores, Zinc Oxide cream (Sudocream) may be applied to soothe and create a barrier while the skin heals.
Manuka oil is also a popular treatment as it contains phytonutrients and anti-oxidants which help support skin healing, and reduces the redness and irritation. Pictures below shows the skin improving after using Manuka Oil Balm twice a day.

Recovery time will vary, as everyone is different. Some people will see improvement in a matter of weeks. Others will need longer, perhaps even months or years. You can also consult a naturopath if you need more support to find the best natural supplement to manage stress, support the adrenals, boost the immune system or balance your gut microbiome.
We also have a Manuka Oil Cream which is gentle and soothing for inflamed or irritated skin. Our products were formulated to reduce the reliance on topical steroids, and also help nourish and strengthen the skin barrier. Below are pictures of babies who were using the Manuka Oil Balm and Manuka Oil Cream.

We had this review from a mum who was using the Manuka Oil Cream after trying Aveeno Dermexa, QV ceramide balm, steroid creams, and sorbelene. She noticed improvements in 1 week.
Great for eczema-prone skin!
“My 2-year-old has had mild eczema since he was an infant and until now, we have been using steroid creams and heavy duty moisturisers on him to no avail. Don’t get me wrong, the steroid creams have helped, but every time we stopped using them, his eczema would flare up and he would scratch himself till he bled, never giving his skin the time to properly heal. I also felt pretty guilty for continuously using medicated creams on his body.
“I saw a review for the Manuka Oil Cream and gave it a go – it’s been a week and so far, the eczema has calmed down a lot; and we haven’t used any steroid creams! My son has also stopped saying that he’s itchy and his broken skin and scabs have started healing. I’ve been really surprised as the cream has a very light, almost watery consistency, yet has done more for his skin than thick balms and heavy creams.
“Would definitely purchase again. Would also be so good to be able to buy this in a bigger bottle or a pump bottle!”
If you would like to try the Manuka Oil Balm and Cream, you can save by entering the code DG20 at checkout, and clicking on this link..
Our products are made in WA, Australia, using sustainable packaging, and 100% nature-derived ingredients. Part of our profits also goes to supporting other businesses and individuals who are providing a solution to the Climate Change issues through the platform Raaise. We believe that through sustainable practices, we can help to protect and preserve nature.
Visit the Dermagen by Botanical Chemist website to find out more and to view their range of products.