Why Processing Your Emotions is a Necessary Gift to your children

The second step is getting super familiar with your triggers. Only then can we stop them from having an effect. Our triggers will keep setting us off, in every area of our lives, until we give them the attention and processing they need.

Step 3 is powerful. It’s the game-changer! When you learn how to identify the emotions stored in your body and know how to process and release them using emotional release methods, you unleash the most authentic version of yourself. This is key to rich emotional health because emotions want to be noticed before they move on. Emotions are our body’s cues telling us that something needs addressing, that there are hurts that remain unprocessed. Knowing how to do this, and teaching your kids this, is an essential life skill that we are not taught in the education system and often have not been taught by our parents, but it completely transforms how we show up. When we process our emotions, it heals what we are suffering from physically. It changes things behaviourally (like yelling) and also energetically (like stress and mindset issues). Knowing how to do this with ease and consistency is golden.

The final steps include accessing your intuition by strengthening the mind-body connection and using brain-based strategies to replace the old patterns with new, healthier behaviours.

Processing emotions is vital for mothers as they navigate the complexities of motherhood. By understanding the influence of nervous system states, emotional regulation, attachment styles, inherited patterns, epigenetics, replacing neural pathways, and somatic healing, mothers can cultivate emotional well-being for themselves and their children.

The Soul Legacy Program for Mothers is a sisterhood of women who grow together and take their motherhood journey to a whole new level of emotional health. Join today and we will ensure you thrive!

You can also read my blog on somatic healing.

Amanda McKay is the founder of Body Mind Soul NZ. Visit their website to find out more about the courses and services they offer. You can also join their supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram, and join their Mothers Who Heal Facebook group.

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