Motivated by her own fertility experiences, Kathryn created Fertility Potentials as a way for those struggling with fertility challenges to navigate their individual path in a confident and safe way. Fertility Potentials uses a collaborative process focusing on facilitating self-discovery, personal growth and crucial learning to help regain and strengthen balance and positivity.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
Fertility Potentials was inspired by my own experience with fertility. My husband and I struggled to conceive for eight long years. At the time, all my friends and family were having babies, and I felt like there was something wrong with me. Trying to conceive became all-consuming. I was frustrated, overwhelmed, exhausted, and I felt completely isolated, yet I underestimated the impact this was having on me.
I also struggled to find the right people to talk to – I felt like people just didn’t get it. I needed someone who could really understand what I was going through and not try to fix me. It was hard for me to share my experience and to have the right support would have helped.

My experience was life-changing for me. I learnt so much. Despite not having children, I came to a place of peace and acceptance.
I’m so passionate about what I do. I love being able to guide and support other women through their experiences and show them a different way. I want other women to know that if I can do it, so can they. They don’t have to wait until they are pregnant to start living fully.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
The most significant breakthrough came for me when I started to find my confidence as a coach. I was seeing the impact that coaching could have, and that helped me relax into my own personal style of coaching.
Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and personal life?
I’m not quite sure I have mastered that one yet! I am lucky in a sense that I do not have to balance my work with a family, but the lines between work and personal life can become blurred for me. It can be hard to separate, particularly when I love what I do. I have a lot of freedom in the hours I work so I do get to choose how I spend them.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The biggest challenge I overcame was early on for me (although there has been a lot since). Once I realized I wanted to work with women going through fertility, I knew I needed to connect with them by sharing my own story. I’m quite a private person and as someone who struggled to share with my friends and family, so sharing my story with the world was a big thing for me. Of course, now I’m happy to talk about fertility all the time. It is so important for us all to share our unique stories and to open up more conversations about fertility.