Your Birth Stories: Welcoming Reuben into the World

The first moments of meeting our baby were kept so sacred. Our midwifes and photographer melted into the background, they were so respectful. Time stood still. The atmosphere so quiet. No rushing, no interventions. Just us.

The emotions we experienced were so overwhelming. Great relief that baby had arrived safely, exhilaration that I had birthed with no intervention, gratitude with baby’s perfect timing to arrive in this world and complete exhaustion. But most of all our hearts exploded with intense love for our little one.

I birthed my placenta 16 minutes after the arrival of Reuben whilst still in the pool. There was no rush to get out of the pool.

When I was ready, I moved to the comfort of my own lounge. Reuben latched to my breast beautifully. Alice was so intrigued with her new brother. Such priceless moments. The umbilical cord was kept unclamped until it was cut by Lee almost two hours after the birth.

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