Remember all those things you’ve always wanted to get around to but you ‘have no time’?
That online course you’ve always wanted to do, that novel you never get to read, or those cluttered cupboards you’ve been meaning to sort. Now is the time, friends!
Or maybe you’re a do-er like me, and want to relax the reins and focus on more fun and just be-ing rather than do-ing. What better time than to watch funny movies with the fam, bake with the kids, have family dance offs, be present and still, play çard games and start a meditation practice?
We all have so many blessings – we just need to look for them. Send some gratitude to loved ones, appreciate the safety of your home and basic creature comforts we normally take for granted.
It’s times like this that there can be so much to be thankful for in the simplest of things.
3. Instant calm with aromatherapy
Did you know anxiety and stress weaken our immune system? Our body’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced, leaving us more susceptible to infections.
It’s now CRITICAL to find ways to calm our nervous system and soothe our anxious minds.
So let me share my instant calming technique, using aromatherapy – the ’30 second stress solution’ to transform how you feel when you’re stressed.
It takes just 30 seconds, is super simple yet so powerful in how it affects your mood, clarity, energy and stress hormones.
You can do this anywhere, anytime and all you need is a drop of essential oil.
Here’s how it works.
Pop a drop of essential oil into the palm of your hands.
Rub them together gently. Cup your hands over your mouth and nose.
Inhale in a long slow deep breath to count of 3. Hold for a second. Exhale to the count of three.
Repeat three times.
Notice how you feel now.
Calmer. More grounded and centred. Back in control so you can cope better with the rest of your day.
How does this help?
Inhaling essential oils is one of the fastest ways to shift our emotional state. When we smell essential oils, the molecules interact with the olfactory organs (sense of smell), respiratory system and the brain.
During inhalation, the molecules affect the brain through the amygdala gland and limbic system, commonly referred to as the ’emotional brain’. The limbic system links to the parts of the brain that control stress levels, memory, heart rate, blood pressure and hormone balance.
I encourage you to do this regularly during the day for a mental pick me up – whether you need calming, a mood boost or to ease overwhelm. It’s a regular habit in our household!
Including this simple powerful ritual into your daily life will serve you well during this time and beyond.
Just make sure you’re using the highest quality oils (Certified Pure Tested Grade) for safety and results.
Originally published here.
Sofia Potente, Health Educator and founder of The Natural Switch teaches women how to improve their family’s gut health, and create healthier, happier homes, using essential oils as a tool. She offers online workshops, natural remedies and non toxic solutions for gut friendly, allergy friendly homes. Visit her website and follow her on Facebook for more information.