5 Tips to Make Meditation Part of Your Day!

Tip #4: Mindful movement

If you can move your body then you can do this type of meditation!
Whether you go to the gym, run, or walk your dog, this can be a meditation practice.
If you’re running, leave your gadgets at home and just run.
Notice how your feet touch the ground. How your arms swing.
Notice how you breathe.
How does your heart feel?
Completely immerse yourself in each sensation. Be mindful of every move you make.

Tip #5: Mindful eating

If you’re like me, you can find yourself halfway through a block of chocolate and then blame your husband for eating it! That’s called mindless eating.
One of the best meditations I ever did was a 5-minute mindful eating meditation with one piece of chocolate. Yup, just one piece for the whole 5 minutes!
At your next meal, remove all distractions and sit down.
Get rid of your phone, computer, book, magazine.
And start by simply looking at the food you’re about to eat.
Admire it.
Imagine how the plants were grown and picked to be on your plate.
Smell your food.
No need to go over the top and get all food reviewer-y unless you want to!
Just notice the smell.
Take small, slow mouthfuls of food and actually chew your food.
Notice the texture.
The taste.
Simply take the time to really enjoy your food.
Why put all that effort into cooking a delicious meal and then not spend the time enjoying it?

Pick one tip from the list above that you’ll try today and share it in the comments below.

Nikki Veliz suffered a stroke scare as a new mother due to chronic sleep deprivation at just 33. For the past two years, it has been Nikki’s mission to raise awareness among tired mamas that sleep deprivation can be dangerous and debilitating. With her background in nursing and other healing modalities, Nikki now shares her critical sleep deprivation remedies to help Tired Mamas become Thriving Mamas. Get your free copy of Nikki’s Survival Guide for Tired Mamas here: https://nikkiveliz.lpages.co/freeguide/

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