One-of-a-Kind Photographs: Preserving Life’s Most Precious Gift

Tegan Collins Photography

Suffering through miscarriages and an auto immune disorder, Tegan Collins was determined to preserve every moment when she did become pregnant with her first child. Finally holding her first baby in her arms, she knew that her photography hobby would soon turn into so much more. Her journey into and through motherhood led her to create Tegan Collins Photography: passionately preserving every beautiful moment that is childhood. Believing strongly that family is the greatest blessing, she strives to photograph as many beautiful moments and connections as she can, capturing newborns right through to multi-generational images. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind what she does, her biggest breakthrough, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

I had several miscarriages, then was diagnosed with an auto immune blood clotting disorder. After finally carrying a baby to term, I wanted to preserve every minute, as it may have been our only child. After several more miscarriages and another auto immune diagnosis, we had more children, but again I wanted to preserve all the purity, innocence and wonder newborns and childhood holds. 
My grandad has MS and a broken neck but continued to paint, and my grandparents’ home was always full of beautiful art and wonderful photographs.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

I started photographing my own motherhood journey and my own babies. Eventually, others started asking me to photograph them as well. After a while, I realised we all have our own story to tell and I wanted to create beautiful photographs to preserve your stories.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

My biggest breakthroughs have been mentorship, workshops and investing in myself – I made my own path for a while and struggled to find my own voice and style. Always being inspired by the warmth of my grandparents home and their artworks and photographs, I really wanted to replicate that but struggled. Eventually, I invested in myself with a photographer I really admired. I took a workshop class with a world-renowned photographer and learnt the tools I needed to tell my story and the story of others in the most beautiful ways.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

Having a beautiful support system and knowing it is okay to say no. I try and only book a few sessions a month to ensure I can be the wife and mother that God intended me to be. My family is my priority and work has to fit in and around the family plans.

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