A message from Amanda
I am delighted to share with you my second baby, my book baby. It took me nine months to write and illustrate and years more of working with many wonderful mother-baby dyads that have provided me with such incredibly rich content. My husband and I chose to call our first actual baby ‘Max’ to help make his life just that bit easier, because people would have no trouble understanding his name. In stark contrast, I’ve named my book baby something that makes people go: “mother-baby what now?”. This book has an important name for an important job: to bring the term ‘mother-baby dyad’ out of academia and into the everyday. Mothers that I work with have told me that finding this term has helped them to make sense of their relationship with their baby which is a complete game changer for them. I agree, because I believe that words not only help us to make sense of our experiences, they help us to shape them in accordance with our values. This right here is the power of ‘Mother-Baby Dyad’ the book.

Know that in gifting yourself or someone you know my book, you are providing a beautiful keepsake for yourself/your baby/them. You are also supporting me to be able to continue doing what I love doing. Thank you.
If you are a professional who also works with mothers and babies and would like to collaborate and/or become a stockist, then please reach out. I would love to hear from you.

Book Details
$34.95 + $9.95 postage and handling.
96 pages of full colour illustrations inside a striking matte hardcover.
Beautifully and sustainably gift wrapped with a handwritten card. If you are gifting ‘Mother-Baby Dyad to someone, simply write the message that you would like Amanda to write in the comments in the checkout. If it is a gift for yourself, feel free to write a little love note, otherwise Amanda will write you one herself.
ISBN 9780646821917
Dimensions 22cm squared
Printed in Australia
To find out more and to order a copy of ‘Mother-Baby Dyad’, visit www.ourfourthtrimester.com