…And I Was Fine!

But what happens when we do not turn out fine. Who picks up the pieces then? Who is responsible then?

Why are we so offended by the introduction of new guidelines? Why do many of us consider them a new way to criticise our parenting skills instead of embracing them and doing our best by our little humans by taking the guidelines on board?

It’s not offensive to advise parents to advance and learn more and therefore do better.

Guidelines aren’t put in place to keep us guessing or to offend us, they are put in place to keep our young safe.

It’s not criticism of anyone’s parenting, it’s a simple guide of how we can learn and advance in all areas!

Compare the medical science of the 1950’s with what we know today; has it not changed? Have we not advanced and moved on?

Yes, I drank pre-made bottles, and I was weaned at three months of age. Yes – I am fine, but with more knowledge and guidelines we can aim beyond “fine”.

I’m not offended by those who know more then I do, I learn from them.

Sofie Thomson is a writer, breastfeeding advocate and (breastfeeding) peer supporter from Sweden, now living in the Scottish Highlands with her husband and children. Since completing her degree in Child and Youth Studies, she has focused on encouraging parents to follow biological norms and trust their natural parenting instincts via her blog – The Gentle Mum. You can also follow her on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

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