Baby on the Way? Make Nesting Easy!

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

Balance… Gosh this is such a valid question in today’s fast paced world. I know so many great women who operate with superwoman expectations. We seem to push ourselves to do it all – be great mums, wives, daughters, sisters, friends, employees or employers.

I certainly don’t have the exact recipe for work and family balance, but I believe expectations play an important part in this equation. I try to keep my expectations real. What can I actually achieve each day? And what is most important.

Balance isn’t something you achieve once and tick off your list – done. Balance is something you have to work on constantly. Some days we get it right, some days it isn’t perfect. I try to acknowledge this with kindness, making peace with today I have done my best and tomorrow is a new day.

There are products, appliances, gadgets, lotions and potions for every aspect of parenting. It is no wonder new parents feel a sense of overwhelm (and financial doom) when considering what they need in order to raise their little human.

The Drive: What challenges have you overcome?

I would have to say my biggest challenge so far has been learning to practice patience. The old Pantene advert, “it won’t happen overnight, but it will happen”. My lovely man will laugh at this answer. When I launched The Nest Co, I was naturally eager to get going. I searched for new customers. I needed people to test the system. I wanted customers to give me feedback. I needed to know if this business idea was actually going to help people.

I would like to think over the last six months, I have relaxed a little. I have certainly learnt a lot. I do appreciate these things take time and I am loving the journey.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

The winning benefits for me are pursuing my passion and being in charge of my own destiny. I also think like so many Mumtrepreneurs, it is the appeal of flexibility and freedom that encourages us to take the plunge.

My watch out when the business is your baby would be around managing your investment both time and money. My desire and drive to success is strong, but I have also have had to remember why I am doing this, flexibility and freedom being key.

A con… Hmmmm I would have to say no sick leave! Gone are the days of a cheeky paid duvet day when you are fighting a flu.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

I am full of exciting hopes, dreams and ideas for what is next. I am super excited (read nervous) about the future. I know the business model will evolve.

My current focus is to continue to improve our existing offering. I am super open to all and any feedback. I love hearing about the things that have helped. And also, ways that I can improve our services or offer more value.

What is next… Gosh.

I would like to add further guides for the next stages following newborn. Helping parents decide what tools and products can be helpful as they start the next exciting milestones like solids, crawling, walking, talking and toilet training.

One day in the future, I would also love for The Nest Co to be my primary focus.

It is currently my hobby business, something I am mad passionate about, but that I can only work on part time, juggled with another family business and being a mum.

The Nest Co is your information hub, when preparing for bub. Their simple easy to read guides help you confidently set up for the arrival of your new baby. Visit the website to learn more, and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

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