Beautiful Baby Journals & Carefully Curated Children’s Gifts to Stand the Test of Time

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Definitely imposter syndrome. I have doubted myself so many times throughout the process, but I have had amazing support from my husband, family and friends and that has really made a difference on those days when you think you have made a huge mistake! I hope by me creating this wee business it can show other mums who might have their own ideas to go out and do it too. I also want my kids to grow up knowing they will be fully supported in their endeavours and if they come to us with ideas or concepts, that we will totally back them.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

One pro for me is knowing that I have created this myself and I can take it wherever I want to. I am not limited by someone else. A con is having to compete with the big brands within New Zealand, but also the likes of Temu, Shein etc. The amount of time, resources and finances those companies have is enormous. I can never compete with their pricing but that is why I wanted to have such a different offering. I do feel people are becoming much more aware of where they are spending their money and who they are supporting.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

For the next 12 months, it is just focusing on reaching new customers, increasing the brand exposure and continuing to provide high-quality gift options for people. I would like to add new products to the website and there are a few options being explored at the moment. Long term, I would really love to branch out into interiors, but this is very pie in the sky at the moment! I need a bit more time to hash out what that would look like and how I can stand out from others already in that market.

Visit the Penelope’s website to find out more, and connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.

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