The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
My drive to succeed with this product comes from the way that it has helped me with my feeding journey and hoping it can do the same for others. It offers a suggestion, not a rule for when the next feed may happen, so mamas can use it in a way that suits them.
I haven’t had to overcome any major challenges yet with the bracelet as it is still so fresh, but I’m sure the time will come and when it does, I hope I can push through.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
Pros are definitely to be able to work around the family needs. The kids are so little and I want to be there for them when they need me (which is basically all the time!).
A con however is it’s a bit scary. Starting out this business and launching it into the world is a tad daunting, but I truly believe in the product and that it can help, so here goes!
Also, being a one-woman band has its ups and downs. All of the bracelets are completely handmade by me. I have handpicked the best materials and focus on the detail within the making process to create a product that will last.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
I am a multi-disciplinary designer and enjoy designing and creating many different things. I have ideas for other kids’ products and fashion so watch this space.
Visit the Mama’s Cue website and connect with Alice on Facebook and Instagram.