Because we Want Lovely Feeding Experiences From Day One

Why NDC Accreditation?

NDC is such an integrated approach that encapsulates the needs of parents and carers too. Through my NDC accreditation, I want to empower parents and caregivers so they can have a joy-fuelled, thriving parenting journey.

Year one can be a year that deeply impacts the mental health and mood of mums, dads, and caregivers. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can assist parents in managing emotional difficulties related to breastfeeding, sleep challenges and fussy babies. ACT is a new form of cognitive behavioural therapy scientifically proven to help protect our mental health when we have a baby. When caring for a new little one, our brains can go into overdrive, and in tough moments of crying or severely disrupted sleep, parents can experience negative thoughts. (I can’t tell you how many mums I’ve met who have told me they feel like they’re a “bad mother” when they can’t soothe their crying baby). ACT offers simple manageable strategies that parents can use so these thoughts and feelings don’t control how they live with their baby. ACT is integrated into all Possums Programs: breastfeeding, sleep, and baby cry-fuss problems, and can make a huge difference to the mental health of parents and carers.

With the families I work with, my aim is always lovely experiences from day one, so we have a successful feeding journey that becomes a solid rock foundation for a lifetime of joyful meals and food adventures. I don’t see mum and dad’s mental health as secondary – my role is to champion them for doing their best no matter how their little one feeds or sleeps (or doesn’t sleep). Even when things don’t go according to plan, I’m there to remind them that they are “never a failure”. I’m so excited to offer NDC integrated care to parents and babies aged 0-1 and play my part in helping them create a solid foundation for lifelong health and well-being.

Specialised paediatric speech therapist Emma runs her practice, Raised with Joy, and feeding support educational brand Joyfull Mealtimes from the South Coast of NSW, Australia. Mum to lively toddler Louis, Emma believes that eating should always be a joyful experience, and she’s making huge strides to provide the resources, services, and innovative products to make this possible for families and allied health professionals in Australia and beyond. Emma has recently completed her Neuroprotective Development Care accreditation, and she’s telling us why NDC is a game changer for providing evidence-based support for families and caregivers on their breastfeeding and/or bottle-feeding journey.

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