Kimberley Rich Photography

By Sally Saint

Seven years ago, I chose to walk the path of a single parent, and this is my story of beginning and end. 

I remember when I chose to take this path, or maybe it was chosen for me. The day I decided enough was enough, the day that staying seemed so heartbreakingly impossible and the unknown of leaving was the path calling. 

When we talk of natural parenting and the absolute joy that this kind of parenting brings, it also brings a huge responsibility. For when we listen, and I mean really listen, we then have action steps to take and things change. 

The decisions that seemed so easy before the child actually is born, afterwards take on a completely different feel.

Suddenly, when this babe is in your arms you totally get it, that what we as parents choose has a direct impact on our child and we stop. We stop, we pause, to truly listen and to hear the heartbeat of our child.  

What does your child’s heartbeat tell you? If you listen right now, and if you are blessed to have this baby in your arms, the infant that right now cannot actually speak words, yet with their heart, they convey EVERYTHING to you.   

Each time they look into your eyes they share this treasure of a world that only has love in it, nothing else but love, and this very same love washes over you and seeps into every cavity and crack you have inside. 

See next page for more…
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