Integrating Sunlight and Shade
Such an exciting moment when we can share with the world what we have accomplished and continue bringing to life through our capacity and knowledge. Usually, we first begin through an internal process that can be guided by others at times, or not, but can only work if we give the time to practise and integrate.
My name is Violeta and I have been on a journey of self-discovery, transformation and change since very young, embracing it as a step to learn, understand and evolve body, mind and soul as a whole.
To be here today, I went through joy, love, kindness, struggle, suffering… you name it! My deepest belief which I love sharing is:
We have an important choice to make.

Choose Aroha Wellness Eve had many names since 2014. It transformed as I grew, embodying many parts of my-Self, while I accompany others in their own path, to act with more ease upon their own experiences. What does this mean… follow me with this example: I would like you to place the number 6 between 2 people, one mirroring the other. Both will look at the number and for one of them is a number six, but the other will also be looking at the same number but from a different perspective in this case. The other person will say it is the number nine. Who is right? Opening to the thousands of perspectives one mind can have and welcome brings ease to the structured mind and opens our heart to unknown possibilities in our present and therefore future, enabling us to act differently upon new challenges.
Our path is always part of a bigger, unknown and often misunderstood picture we can see all around us as part of a team that gently or abruptly guide us into the right direction, from family, acquaintances, nature, animals, life experiences and energy.
If the following saying resonates with you, embrace the spark that ignites within, own it and hold it in your heart…