“There are no coincidences in life”.
This is when our journey and path begin and assists us in living it without limitations and old beliefs. It allows us to live life and all experiences with ease and love for one another.
All sounds fine and dandy up to now, right? Living in the present moment and always choosing to see the beauty around? Well, the truth is that I am not a monk, so I do get upset, I do sometimes choose the fight. We are humans. We approach this life the best way we can and the more conscious and authentically we live it, the easier it gets. The more I practise, the faster it is for my own brain to have new neuropathways, aligning new thoughts to emerge and build a different path, a different view to act from.
How do we do this? A little gift for you today… FOCUS. Yes, my friend… as simple as focusing on the actual thing we are doing guides our brain. When we are focusing on something, like doing the dishes, our mind will try to take us somewhere else. For example, what happened during the day? What did we say or not say to someone? What do I need to do next? Rushing and not allowing the 5 minutes we may have to just be for once.
I would like to invite you to do an experiment with this yourself. While having a shower, every time your thoughts take you somewhere else outside of your-Self, bring it back. Call it back, literally say… come back, I am here, I am present, and continue with rubbing the soap around your body. Feel the sensation between your hand and your skin. It is difficult, believe me! The mind will try to take you out thousands of times because it is trained to do this, so don’t get upset at your brain for doing what it has been taught to do; simply every time you catch the thought, call yourself back! Let me how it goes please – I will be delighted to hear your experience, no matter how upset, frustrating or awakening it is. We are here to help each other.

Choose Aroha is the bridge for those who feel called to live life from wellness in all its perspectives and those who assist with their knowledge, understanding and patience to guide us to ignite and practise this new way of living.
I have personally curated and experienced true personal growth and peace of mind with each facilitator, product, retreat, workshop or class I share in this safe and sacred space. These are only tools that when we fully embrace and bring into our daily life can deepen our knowledge, Self-love, understanding, connection, empowerment, confidence, compassion, Self-care, health, wellbeing, gratitude, authenticity and much more.
Join us in this beautiful, joyful, authentic life experience from the inside out.
Visit the Choose Aroha, Wellness Eve website to find out more, and connect with them on Instagram.