Dunstan Baby Language: Understand Your Baby’s Cries

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

Overcoming self-doubt was a significant challenge and transitioning from an employee to a business owner required a leap of faith. It was scary but I do believe in ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’.

Trust – that you can do it: that you will find the right people to support you, and that clients will be drawn to participate because of the benefits they can see.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Pros: Making it uniquely ‘yours’; seeing the joy when parents say, “Now I understand what he’s wanting” (their newborns) – this warms my heart, to know I’ve made a difference to that child, the parents and their ongoing relationship.

Cons: Being a small business owner initially means being receptionist, planner, booking agent, accountant, publicist as well as the awesome teacher! It’s overwhelming but I choose to be a lifelong learner and so approach thing with an ‘I can do it’ belief. I write messages to support myself on my bathroom mirror, reminding me that anything is possible.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

My vision is to make Dunstan Baby Australia accessible to all parents in Australia and New Zealand, helping parents become calmer and more confident, and with a deeper understanding of their newborns. My dream (which is becoming a reality) is to travel around Australia in a motorhome, running information sessions and teaching DBL in cities and regional areas, whilst continuing my online classes – and meeting many wonderful people along the way!

Visit the Dunstan Baby Australia website to find out more and connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.

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