Empowering Couples to Reconnect & Find Intimacy Again

By Amy Szoszike

Tiger Blossom Holistic Healing is Amy Szoszike’s metaphorical oasis. It’s an offering to those who need or want some guidance in this ever-challenging modern world. One where we are more connected than ever but are the loneliest humans have ever been. Whilst solitude can be lush, a treat, for those of us who are parents particularly, emotional isolation is something to grapple with – a lone wolf we need to slay. Our mind can be our sanctuary or it can be our battleground.

Upon uncovering the extent of betrayal while pregnant with her second son, Amy dove deep into her own psyche. She laboured at home and had a swift waterbirth, naming her son Bodhisattva, in honour of this awakening. There would be more self-inflicted pain over the next few years as she struggled with limerence. Solo motherhood became the safe place, despite the perils of chasing the unavailable – anxiously seeking validation in order to resolve inner child wounding.

The ocean waves have since subsided and the learnings of the past decade have been integrated. Recently married to a grounded Capricorn man she’d met online 5 years earlier, there is a new-found tranquillity in her heart. A deliciously well-covered, fully breastfed, chuckly 5-month-old baby boy is now in their life, and has made the bachelor a devoted family man. As proclaimed at the commencement of their wedding ceremony, they’ve both had a fear of commitment and mutual avoidant attachment style. The avoidant in both does sometimes rear its head, wanting to stay hidden and isolated, but on the whole, there is a comfort in knowing they’re on the path to a fulfilling partnership.

Tiger Blossom, as it’s affectionately called, first opened its doors in 2019 as a home studio for deep relaxation massage – a dim-lit room, basking in aromas of lavender and vetiver, neroli, sandalwood and rose. It is Amy’s privilege to hold space for transcendence. Beyond bodywork, the paradigm is now healing our intimacy wounding and expanding our sexual horizons. As a Somatic Sex Coach, Amy works with individuals and couples who want to explore and embody the full spectrum of their erotic self. Not only can we heal relational issues within relationship only, but it is our hidden erotic desires that hold the innermost wounds we seek to resolve.

Somatics incorporates movement and touch exercises with neuroscience and is a cutting-edge modality that can bring your life-force energy out to play. Our erotic self is our creative self. When our fire is lit, we pour passion into creative pursuits and have vitality, engaging with life itself. Our vital energy held within our root chakra can blossom and we can experience pleasure in multiple dimensions.

Amy brings in other modalities to support this journey of curiosity. Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming tap into the sub-conscious, where we can effectively get in alignment with our true desires. And Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy uses the arts to help us express what may be difficult to verbalise. Clients express themselves through creating spontaneous visual art, dance, sound, poetry – whatever is useful for them. In utilising these complimentary modalities, we are able to approach our growth in a multi-faceted way, gaining more insight by reaching deeper.  

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