Family Activities: 3 Fun Ways to Up the Joy at Home

Fun Family Activities: Idea #3 

The third and final suggestion that I have for you, you can do one of two ways. 

I call it the happy memory game. In the happy memory game, everybody takes turns sharing a happy memory that they have about time you spent together as a family, or perhaps about one member of the family, even if it means a story from before the child was born.

It’s a way to help the child feel connected in the active memory-making process with the family. 

Here is a twist that you can put on it. It is a lot of fun to do, as well. You can do the happy ALMOST memory game, where you share something real that happened – but then you make up part of the story to make it a very silly tall tale. 

Kind of like the storytelling, sometimes you build upon it, and next thing you know, you have a story that is based on a real-life event, but you managed to make it a fantastic and exceptional and some entertaining way. 

One example might be – here’s a true story. “Once upon a time, I took a ferry boat to an island off the coast of Australia and there I saw…” 

Up till that point it’s true, but my child might add, “Saw a dinosaur!” And then we can continue the story in whatever silly and fantastic way we want to. 

We can do it round robin, or we can just make it up as we go along, but it’s a really fun way to get started with memory-making and then make it silly. 

I hope these family activities bring some joy to your home.  

Originally published here.

Sarah R. Moore is an internationally published writer and the founder of Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. She’s currently worldschooling her family. Her glass is half full. 

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