Finding Yoga: The Rash That Started The Restoration

Parenting is a journey in itself. It doesn’t come with a manual – though there are lots of support books and so many varied models and ideas out there. We lead with our mind and heart and try to do the “right thing”, however, daily pressures, exhaustion and feeling sub-par all cloud our judgement, allowing us to falter. It is OK to falter – children are the most forgiving individuals. What we need to learn is to build resiliency in ourselves to create a role model for our children. Our inner strength will shine through and provide that stability and sanctity so looked for by our children. Self-care is what continues to guide me throughout the week. 

On this journey, I have been pleasantly greeted by several familiar faces at the Kaulika Yoga Studio. I have discovered I am not the only one seeking refuge in this stunningly restored and welcoming building. Friends whom I didn’t even know practice or attend this studio have been there. A few familiar faces, salt lamps, candles, and aromatherapy have deepened friendships and overall understandings of one another. 

It is OK to falter – children are the most forgiving individuals. What we need to learn is to build resiliency in ourselves to create a role model for our children.

This evening I had the pleasure of discovering a yoga unicorn, Allie. I believe we meet people for a reason; we don’t always know the reason immediately, but there is a reason! This is the exact thought I had after ending this evening’s class. Allie’s practice is restorative – a lofty goal on a Tuesday evening, but I kid you not, she is something special. 

Attending these classes, meeting these people, and listening to others guide through the practice is something I wish I started sooner. Now saying that, I’m not sure I would have appreciated it like I do now. This is not another schedule activity on the calendar to check off, this is a way and practice of life. Modelling this healthy lifestyle is something I am proud to demonstrate to my children. 

My advice to you? Just start. Any day, any time, any month. Don’t wait for a New Year’s resolution to begin your restoration… make you the priority now.

Lisa Hogan, MEd., BEd., OCT, BASc. & ECE, lives in Ontario, Canada.

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