As as a first-time mum, thousand of miles away from home and in the middle of a global pandemic, Coral Casabal SastreI was in desperate need of support. She found herself wishing that she had someone that would empower her to follow her instincts, and to help her navigate her way around being a responsive parent. She launched Coco Sleep Tribe to help fellow mums through their motherhood journeys, providing support and information to help make the best decisions for their families. She encourages mums to listen to their gut, block the outside noise and trust themselves to make the right choices, helping families to get more rest, without sleep training. Here, she shares her business journey so far with The Natural Parent Magazine.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
The inspiration behind Coco Sleep Tribe was the possibility to help mothers navigate parenthood in the healthiest and most stress-free environment possible. I want to help as many families as I can to help get more sleep without sleep training.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I created an Instagram profile and a Facebook page and group, and I started creating content about subjects that I was commonly asked about regarding infant sleep. I then created a website and my consult packages.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
My biggest breakthrough was the engagement I would get from social media and the recommendations I got from families I helped through word of mouth. I then realised I was actually building something special.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
Well, I work from home and have my 16-month-old daughter with me full time, so I work during naptime, after she is down for the night and weekends mostly. My partner is very understanding of this business and supports me by doing a lot of the housework.