The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The biggest one was early on, being worried about what people would think about me going into this field after years working mainly in law enforcement, and also because I too was still on a healing journey and still struggled at times with ‘stuff’. Early on, I would compare myself to others and have those unwelcome and unhelpful conversations with myself about ‘who am I to be doing this?’. After time, and some awesome success stories, I started realising that all I needed to do is be me and know that I had the skills, the knowledge and the passion to do this work. And I can make a difference for people because of this AND because of who I am and what I’d been through to get there.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
The cons are that there is a lot to learn and not enough time to learn it all, and wanting to do everything at once and releasing you can’t.
In terms of pros; it gives me purpose and fulfills my passion; I can be creative; I’m my own boss; I’m constantly learning and growing; and I feel so proud about the profound outcomes that come from this work.
Hopes and dreams: What next?
I am planning on creating online courses and making them available on demand so clients can opt for that, and then if they want a personalised ‘add on’, they can work with me privately. I also want to continue to offer my services in live online groups, delivering them also in the community and continuing to share more about overcoming my own challenges to motivate and empower others. I also have a dream of writing a book – watch this space.
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