The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
Since having the idea to start YourMumFit, I have navigated Covid lockdowns on my own with our daughter (who was a young toddler at the time) while trying to manage my workload from work, keep myself sane and pursue this idea of helping other women. I have also moved house, had a miscarriage, had a second child, found a way through an academic year of school strikes and nursery closures, returned to work after my last ever maternity leave and dealt with extreme sleep deprivation for a second time. There’s not been a lot of extra time or energy but that wee fire in my gut to do this has kept me going.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
The pros are being able to do something that you love and are passionate about. It’s also great to be able to work around your own schedule so you can go to those family commitments you might otherwise have missed had you been stuck in a job with fixed hours in a fixed location.
The cons are finding the balance between work and home life, especially when you are doing some of the work from home because the line gets blurry between workspace and home space. For me it is a real challenge because I run this business alongside a main job and a young family – some call me crazy and on some days I think they may be right!
Hopes and dreams: What next?
I’m toying with a few ideas that I will explore further but for the time being, I simply want to focus on matresence coaching and messaging, and helping others find some me time through exercise.
Visit the YourMumFit website to find out more about the services Jane offers. You can also join their supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.