Parenting On Purpose: Raising Happy, Healthy, Confident Children

Parenting On Purpose

At Parenting on Purpose, their mission is to provide parents with tools and resources to raise happy, healthy and confident children in a holistic and research-backed way. They believe that parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences in life, and they are passionate about supporting and empowering parents on this special journey. Taking a holistic approach to parenting, they consider the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of both parents and children. Their experts have studied the latest research on child development and brain science, as well as having years of experience in the education field to create a comprehensive and effective parenting programme. Here, founder Bridget Dapples talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind the business, the challenges she has overcome along the way, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

Interesting story: in 2020, I was pregnant with my second child and went through a separation, which caused my anxious brain to kick into overdrive. I started thinking A LOT about how I wanted to raise this child, knowing I would be doing it alone. I then realised that in my first pregnancy, I had spent most of that time planning and preparing for the birth and not much thought went into how I wanted to parent. I wondered how many other parents experienced a similar process. I became super interested in brain development, attachment theories, learnt more about gentle parenting, treating babies as their own unique self, on top of what I had already learnt being a primary school teacher and mum for ten years. So, when my wee man was one and a half, I decided to put my newfound knowledge and passion into practice by creating Parenting on Purpose, to give parents space and tools to create opportunities for their children and raise them more ‘on purpose’ rather than just winging it.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

It’s been a slow process. I’m the sort of person that dives in 110% to projects, so this was a new experience. Being in a sleep-deprived fog for the first 2.5 years of my toddlers life, and having a teenage daughter, changed how much time and energy I had, so little by little, things started happening. The business was registered, social media accounts made, and I was fortunate to receive an interest-free loan from the Nelson Angel Women’s Loan Fund to get my website up and running. 2022/2023 saw me engage with a business mentor who helped shape my business plan and course content as well as study and complete my Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care and other professional development opportunities. In 2023, I started creating my first posts, being terrified to take that step and actually put myself out there (eeek!) and setting up courses. I took on my first clients in 2023, a mixture of 1:1 and group work, and got such rewarding and heartwarming feedback, I knew I was doing the right thing. Now I’ve stopped facilitating as an early childcare provider at Playcentre, and 2024 is the year to get it really going – courses are starting, I’m applying for funding and putting more energy into my business. It’s scary following your passion, being brave and being wholeheartedly into this, but I’m glad I am.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

I think it’s the turning point, that fundamental shift when you realise your thoughts are now transforming into your actions, that all the time and behind-the-scenes effort is starting to get traction, to take shape. This was also driven by my business mentor – Geoff Ormandy – who right from the get-go believed I have a great business idea and has helped me make it happen, which in turn helped me believe that Parenting on Purpose has what it takes to be a successful and thriving business.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

It’s definitely tricky. Being a single mum to a 15- and 3-year-old does take effort and time. I am also picking up relieving gigs as a primary school teacher to help boost income, so I’ve found it really important to schedule work time. When Milo is with his dad and Ava is at high school, I take a day or two for work and then make sure I switch off in the evenings to connect with Ava and Milo. I’ve found an evening walk together after dinner is great for connecting with Ava while Milo gets the rest of his energy out before bedtime. We know that starting a new business takes up a lot of time, so I take notes when things pop into my head. Writing it down helps reduce my mental load so I can be more present with the kids.

See next page for more…
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