As a midwife, Calmbirth educator and mum, Jessica Cuneo understands firsthand the transition that women go through when entering the world of motherhood. Her own births have shaped and driven her passion for supporting women and couples through pregnancy, birth and the first year of being new parents. She loves having open conversations with her clients to reconnect, explore, prepare, inspire and debrief all things birth and motherhood, helping women to feel held and supported through the entire journey. Here she talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind Held by Jess and her hopes and dreams for the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
Held by Jess was born out of the desire to connect more deeply with women on their journeys to motherhood. Only 8% of women in Australia are able to experience continuity of midwifery care – that being a known and trusted midwife who wholeheartedly supports them through each stage of pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. As a midwife, I saw fragmented care, with the holistic side of care completely underestimated and constantly overlooked. My passion is to sieve through all the misguided information and provide women with evidence-based information for pregnancy testing, care providers, birth and mothering. This passion leads to women feeling truly listened to, heard and supported.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I started through teaching the Calmbirth program! I am a huge advocate for changing and rewiring couple’s brains before their birthing day and the Calmbirth program does just that. I still love teaching this incredible program.
The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
Truly seeing and listening to women. When women are supported holistically, not just physically, everyone thrives. This care had such a ripple effect through word of mouth.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
I balance much like a castell (a Spanish human tower!). I could not do this without the support of my family. This work ebbs and flows however. Energy flows where attention goes… I am truly so passionate about this ‘work’ that I focus on just that, my energy into women and their journey rather than the ‘how much’ side of things.