Holistic Healthcare to Support Children’s Physical, Social & Emotional Well-Being

Holding Parents

Using her nursing background of 15 years and her own experiences of parenthood, Nicki Fraser-Lyons decided to specialise in child and family health, which led to the creation of Holding Parents: a health service that allows her to visit families in the comfort of their homes, providing holistic child and development screening, as well as wonderful parenting support programs. It is her mission to provide healthcare that supports children’s physical, social, and emotional well-being, while caring for the entire family unit, and she is dedicated to ensuring that no parent feels alone in their parenting journey. Here Nicki talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind Holding Parents, the challenges she has overcome, and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The Passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

Since I was young, I’ve dreamt of becoming a nurse, inspired by the profound impact of nurses and healthcare professionals on my family and community. Growing up in a small town, I witnessed firsthand the crucial role of accessible and compassionate healthcare. Having a baby during COVID-19 meant I had limited support, and I struggled to find reliable information on children and parenting. With a nursing background of 15 years and experiencing the challenges of parenthood, I decided to specialise in child and family health. Holding Parents was created from a conversation over dinner with my husband about how I found working for hospitals and health services challenging in the child and family sector. I saw the loss of engagement in children’s development and growth at around six months of age. In Australia, 1 in 5 children experience some form of developmental delay or disability by the time they reach school age. I wanted to do more, but I felt confined. With the rising cost of living, taking time off work and taking children out of childcare for the day to bring them into a clinic for an hour just didn’t become the priority for families, and nor should it. So, I decided to create a service that allows parents to continue with their routine and I come to their homes instead, providing the holistic child and development screening in the comfort of parents’ homes, as well as parenting support programs such as circle of security, transition to parenting and much more.

The Launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

Starting in child and family health nursing requires a solid educational foundation and a commitment to ongoing learning. My initial years were spent gaining experience in various healthcare settings, from hospitals to community health centres. These experiences gave me invaluable insights into the diverse needs of children and families. The early days were challenging. It was a time of relentless dedication and hard work, but seeing the positive impact on the families I serve is all worth it. I contacted many people via email, promoting the beneficial services I provide. I conducted workshops at various daycares, providing parents with education and the opportunity for Q&As, distributing brochures and posting them on community billboards. Building solid relationships with local paediatricians, schools, and community organisations was crucial in creating a support network for my practice.

The Innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

The most significant breakthrough was the workshops at daycares, which fostered a supportive environment where families felt heard and valued. My service provides healthcare and empowers parents to take control of their children’s well-being. Once parents see the positive outcomes of anticipatory guidance, early intervention and the benefits of monitoring growth and development, the response is always, “Why did we not engage sooner?”. I aim to provide holistic care that supports children’s physical, social, and emotional well-being and to care for the entire family unit. I am dedicated to ensuring that no parent feels alone in their parenting journey. This inspiration led me to establish my practice Holding Parents where I can make a meaningful difference in the lives of families every day.

Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?

Balancing work and family life is an ongoing challenge but also gratifying. I believe in practising what I preach to the families I work with, which means prioritising my and my family’s well-being. This involves setting clear boundaries between work and personal time, ensuring I am present for my family’s important moments. I also have an incredibly supportive husband who backs me 100%, allowing flexibility and shared responsibilities. Delegating tasks and trusting myself have been essential in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, I make time for self-care activities that rejuvenate me, reading and spending quality time outdoors with my family.

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