By Brooke Davis
Growing up, my nickname was ‘The Colouring In Queen’. I was always bringing a book and pencils with me – I would colour in all day and night if I could! I still enjoy taking out the pencils or textas and creating something using my imagination. I also recognise the wonderful benefits of mindfulness that come with expressing creativity in this way.

So many grown ups I meet tell me how they ‘used to’ be creative, but have somehow lost this ability as an adult. Creativity and imagination are skills that can only grow stronger when exercised. Colouring in is a wonderful place to ignite that creative spark inside you. The lines are there. You just have to choose the colours. Remember, there are no mistakes – just go with it!

For my family, colouring in is one of the most accessible ways to incorporate mindfulness and calm into our days. My children and I can easily get lost in the process of colouring in; time and thoughts just float on by.
We have a beautiful nature mandala colouring in printable available for you to download. It was hand drawn by Your Wild Books. Click here to get your copy, and don’t forget to print an extra copy just for yourself and let your imagination run free!
Find more nature play activities that you can do at home at or follow Your Wild Books on Facebook and Instagram.