The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
If you had asked my younger self, when I was 20 years old, if I would be willing to put myself out there in public, I would have said a resounding “NO!”. Social anxiety held me back from pursuing many things in the past and even now, as I write these words, it’s still there. However, one day I woke up with an idea in my head and despite that familiar negative voice telling me, “It won’t work, you’re not good enough, it’s a waste of time…”, I didn’t let those thoughts take control. The biggest challenge I have overcome so far is conquering my fear and refusing to let it stop me from pursuing my passions and achieving my dreams.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
To be honest, I can hardly think of any downsides. Maybe the fear of failing, losing some cash, or dealing with judgement and misunderstandings. But hey, those are just things my inner scaredy-cat would scribble down if it had a pen and five fingers. On the other side, there are so many pros I can think of! I get to be flexible, feel fulfilled, work whenever I want, and be creative. Having my own business provides me with complete freedom to do what makes my heart sing. However, I can imagine that along the way there might be more cons popping up 😁 Ask me in a year’s time!
Hopes and dreams: What next?
Each of my products has a dream in it – to help people live fulfilled, healthy and happy lives. I hope I will continue creating products that bring more positivity into this world. Looking ahead, I am not sure where this journey will take me. My future plans involve diverse mindfulness-based courses like mindful eating, body love (positive body image) and cultivating gratitude. I also have a strong desire to come up with products specifically tailored for children, with the aim of nurturing their wellbeing and growth. When I think about my life ahead, my ultimate goal is to say, “I’ve dedicated myself to warming people’s hearts and bringing joy, even when things get tough”.
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