Motherhood, Emotional Challenges and Singing

Letting go of limiting beliefs was transformational

The key to my transformation was healing the limiting beliefs that I had been carrying since childhood. Beliefs like I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, worthy, selfish, unsafe to speak up, etc. These harmful scripts affect our bodies’ biochemistry, changing how our cells behave and negatively impacting our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, which then impacts our children. 

The key to my transformation was healing the limiting beliefs that I had been carrying since childhood.

Your voice is a potent healing tool

Singing is such an excellent avenue for releasing pent-up emotions. Becoming a mother is a momentous task; no matter how prepared you think you are, there are always ups and downs and daily challenges. Your voice is one of the most potent healing tools you can access 24/7. Just humming for 3 minutes improves the health of your blood cells. Singing activates both hemispheres of the brain and releases feel-good chemicals to lift your mood immediately as well as soften and colour the tone of your speaking voice, and this is important because others (your children) receive the energy of your words before the meaning of the words registers in the brain. 

Singing activates both hemispheres of the brain and releases feel-good chemicals to lift your mood immediately as well as soften and colour the tone of your speaking voice…

How to create a vibrant, happy home

My conscious music evolved while teaching singing, raising children and growing personally as a healing practitioner. So if you want to create a happy, vibrant home, improve your singing skills, get better at harmonies, heal limiting beliefs, consciously create your best life and use your voice as an instrument for personal transformation, then come and visit me and my daughter Maddy at Sing to Thrive. We are here to support you.

Find out more about Sing to Thrive by visiting their website. You can also follow them on YouTube and join their communities on Facebook and Instagram.

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