Manuka oil is made in Australia and New Zealand by steam distillation of the leaves and twigs of the native leptospermum scoparium bush. It has been used by Maori tribes in New Zealand for centuries for its medicinal and skin-healing properties.
When Karen’s son ripped his toenail off at the beach, she immediately applied DermaGen Manuka Balm to prevent bacterial infection, decrease the redness and inflammation and to help his skin to regenerate. She then applied it once a day until the new nail grew back.
“The actives in our balms have been evaluated in-vitro to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, a common bacterium that lives on the skin, which can colonise an open wound to delay skin healing”, she said. “Staph bacteria also release a toxin that triggers the immune response, which causes more inflammation, which can be calmed by applying the DermaGen Manuka Balm or the Propolis Balm if not allergic to pollen or bee propolis”.

DermaGen Propolis Balm relieves the symptoms and discomfort of inflammatory skin conditions such as mild eczema and dermatitis. It also supports the healing of minor wounds, grazes, pimples and cold sores, and relieves the symptoms of minor fungal infections. It can also reduce scarring. It has been independently assessed to show inhibition of staph.aureous, a common skin bacterium that can cause skin infections on open wounds, and candida albicans, a common yeast that causes fungal skin infections in moist, warm areas of skin folds. It is a hydrating balm, with a mild scent of botanical resins and oils. It forms a layer over the skin and prevents the evaporation of moisture so skin feels hydrated over a longer period of time.

DermaGen Manuka Balm provides symptomatic relief of skin conditions such as minor eczema, dermatitis, grazes, minor wounds, abrasions, minor burns, minor fungal infections, cold sores, pimples and acne. It is a hydrating balm, with a fresh, mild, calming scent of lavender and thyme. This barrier balm forms a layer over the skin and prevents the evaporation of moisture so skin feels hydrated over a longer period of time. This barrier balm works perfectly as a baby moisturiser for infants too.
Visit the DermaGen website to find out more and to view their range of products. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.