Organic Herbal Teas for Lactation & Postpartum

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

As a mom of a young baby and a small business entrepreneur, I have faced several challenges that I have had to overcome. One of the biggest for me has been the fear of failure. Failing myself, my family, and most of all my baby. However, I have learned to address this fear by adopting a positive mindset and focusing on the lessons I can learn from any setbacks.

Another challenge I have faced is managing my time effectively. Being a mom requires a significant amount of attention and energy, and balancing that with running a small business can be overwhelming at times. I have had to learn how to be flexible, prioritise tasks and set realistic expectations for myself. It has taken some trial and error, but I have gradually developed strategies that have helped me become more efficient and productive.

Financial challenges have also been a hurdle for me. Starting and growing a business from the ground not only can be scary and overwhelming, but it also often requires significant investment, and there have been times when I’ve struggled to secure the necessary funds. To overcome this, I have become more resourceful and creative in finding ways to maximise my limited budget.

Building a support network has been crucial in overcoming these challenges. I have actively sought guidance and advice from other entrepreneurs and moms who have faced similar situations. Their insights and experiences have been invaluable in helping me navigate the complexities of both motherhood and business ownership.

Lastly, dealing with impostor syndrome was something I had to work on as when you become a mom, so much changes in your life that sometimes it is hard to remember you are more than that in life. You don’t only have to be a mother; you don’t only have to be a professional. I could reinvent myself and I did. To overcome this, I have worked on building my confidence by celebrating small wins, seeking feedback from trusted people, and continuously educating myself to improve my skills and knowledge.

Finding my value outside of my role as a mother was hard but building Mama’s Tribe was bringing me so much joy that it was reassuring. I was on the right path!

While these challenges have tested me both emotionally and mentally, I have persisted and grown as a result. Overcoming these obstacles has not only strengthened my resilience but also taught me valuable lessons. Fortunately, I count on the support of my husband, family and the loving community we have built around us. I know there will be more challenges along the way but I keep going forward for my family and because I owe it to myself to make this dream come true.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

Having my own business was always a dream of mine. I would dream of doing something I like, having no boss and earning lots of money. Well, you can imagine is not that simple.

I do appreciate the flexibility I have in terms of when and how long to work or having time off work, as taking care of my family is still a priority. This can also be a con as I would definitely be more efficient in my job if I had more of a set routine and fixed days and times. So I would say that being your own boss can be both a pro and con of running your own business. You have sole responsibility for everything and that can be a bit overwhelming.

However, as I gain more experience, I guess I have learned to see things from other perspectives and try to feel excited about things rather than feel anxious about them. Overall, I feel grateful to be able to have this chance to make a dream come true and help so many mums and families on the way.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

I have many ideas and big plans for the future of Mama’s Tribe.

In the short term, I am growing our range of teas, adding blends for the different pregnancy stages and potential challenges.

After we are well-established with good stockists all around New Zealand, I would like to add my Naturopath and Postpartum Doula services to my offerings, plus organise other ways to support pregnant women and new moms such as pre- and postpartum mom circles, workshops, etc.

For the long-term goals, there’s the potential to export Mama’s Tribe starting with Australia.

So many projects brewing over here, it’s very exciting 🙂

Visit the Mama’s Tribe website to find out more and join their communities on Facebook and Instagram.

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