Parenting Naturally, Holistically and with Boundaries

As the teenage years approach, this behaviour can become very intense for the parent as the hormonal teen floods with every emotion in seconds. This means that, since they didn’t have reasonable boundaries, they want to know – why are you trying to put them onto me now? A fair question, wouldn’t you agree?

As the teenage years approach, this behaviour can become very intense for the parent as the hormonal teen floods with every emotion in seconds.

If for their entire junior life, you have decided they can pick and choose everything they want to do, then why try to impose boundaries now. Why suddenly are you giving curfews, limits on friends, party boundaries, and everything else boundaries? Realistically, boundaries need to start in the cradle. They need to learn respect, boundaries, and appropriate social interactions before they are 5 to ensure a mentally and emotionally stable child. They need to feel the love, freedom, and respect that they deserve and need, and in return, you will grow together and receive the respect, friendship, and love of your adult children with every passing day.

Parenting is a respect, appreciation, and love job. It is a place that many journey to, and no matter whether you are a holistic, natural, or standard parent, you are going to be amazing and more than likely have the most beautiful children.

Set the boundaries of respect in this generation that is divided by natural and holistic parenting. Don’t be afraid of the word “discipline” and don’t worry about those that judge you for the parenting style you have.

“Kids don’t come out with manuals, marriage didn’t come with a how-to guide, and life was made for living”

So let’s all begin to live it with love, honour and boundaries.

Have a beautiful day everyone ❤️

Megen Hibbins is a Yoga teacher, writer, photographer and home-school mother of 5 children, with 4 aged 11, 10, 9 and 7 – living off the grid on the family farm.

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