Peak a Boob- Top Tips for Breastfeeding in Public

The right clothes can affect how you feel both physically and emotionally. You have been on a rollercoaster ride through pregnancy, childbirth and now on your motherhood journey. You absolutely can and SHOULD feel as amazing as you are when wearing your nursing clothes – clothing that allows you to breastfeed with ease and confidence can really help to support you on your breastfeeding journey.

Tip 3 – Sling and your winning…

Ever worry about walking to places and getting caught when your baby suddenly decides he or she is hungry and there isn’t anywhere to sit on the long street to breastfeed? Do you have a sling you carry your baby about in? Have you ever considered breastfeeding in it? It can be slightly tricky trying to get the latch at first but once you have mastered it, then it opens up a whole new world! You can walk and boob, shop and boob and so on, plus its very discreet. Zip open or pull your top aside, help your baby get into position, latch and go, the world is now your oyster! It might take a couple of attempts to master but don’t give up.

You can walk and boob, shop and boob and so on, plus its very discreet.

Tip 4 – Be confident!

Be confident and enjoy the bonding experience between you and your baby. Nursing your baby is one of the best things you can do. Grab a cuppa in your local coffee shop, feed your baby, sit back, enjoy the moment and be proud of yourself!

Enjoy this special experience. You’ve got this Mama. You are Fierce!

Head over to the Fierce website to browse their gorgeous range of breastfeeding-friendly clothing. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

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