Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
This is a juggling act and constant work in progress. I have three children aged 2, 7 and 10, so they keep me busy. I have a lot of late nights! I do have to make time where I put the technology away and remember to be present with them. Having your own business is quite addictive so knowing when to have time out is important.
Learning to believe in my beautiful business has been a key tool in its success.
The Drive: What challenges have you overcome
Definitely mindset. Having the correct mindset is so important to achieving your dreams. Learning to believe in my beautiful business has been a key tool in its success.
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
It gets busy and can be stressful but I’m so grateful for the freedom it affords me. I get to work around my family, do something I’m passionate about, be creative and meet all these wonderful people along the way.
Hopes and dreams: What next?
I plan to continue to highlight the importance of self care and taking the time to nurture the body and soul with healthy, clean products. My vision is to build a community of like-minded people and make it the go-to place for people looking for quality, clean products.
If you like what you hear and would love to support an ethical business selling products that are good for you and good for the planet, head over to The Natural Skin Collective and have a look around! You can also find them on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.