The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
As mentioned, experiencing an extremely stressful high-risk pregnancy and birth (birth story in a blog on my webpage), followed by the challenge of her (still) ongoing allergies and eczema, has been a major drive for me to pursue my passion for supporting other mums. We also spent the first four years of our parenting lives being physically distant from family, with little to no immediate support around us; so I feel like I can definitely empathise with how absolutely challenging being a mum is.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
There are no sick days or a continuous flow of money…. BUT – life is too short NOT to follow your passions. I love doing what my soul is called to do, as well as care for my little ones at home before they start school (which is something I never set out to do, but realised down the line that this is how it was always meant to be!).

Hopes and dreams: What next?
I honestly just hope that the women I support will have the knowledge and backing necessary to make their own informed and empowered decisions, ultimately becoming the strong and resilient parent that their soul is beckoning for them to be. I’m also excited to launch my corporate ethics and responsibility side of the business and see where this exciting adventure leads!
Visit the Amy Brady Burns – Mothers’ Support website to find out more, and join her supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.