Supporting Women’s Mental Health Through Nutrition

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

The biggest challenge was overcoming the anxiety around going out on my own and starting something from scratch. I have had to become social media manager, payroll administrator, website developer and marketing manager among everything else, and show up with energy for my clients every day. Luckily, I love being creative and managing my own projects, so it’s been so much fun to build and grow.

Even though it’s been a massive challenge, I have loved the journey.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

The pros are that I have been firsthand witness to watching my business grow and evolve over the years. It’s heartwarming to see something that you put so much love into grow how you imagined it.

The cons are definitely the hours! It takes a lot from your days, evenings and weekends when you’re growing. I have spent many long evenings up at my computer sorting out taxes, or website problems, or creating resources for clients. It truly is never-ending and that’s what’s really hard when life gets busy.

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

My big goal for this year is to ground myself in New Zealand. I have been around the world so much the past few years that it’s nice to finally have a place that I can settle.

I hope to work more closely with mental health colleagues in and around New Zealand to push forward the agenda that nutrition is so vital to supporting mental health.

Recently, I have been developing a 1-year online programme to support people in binge eating recovery. My plan is to continue to grow and develop the online programme space so that support is more accessible for everyone, no matter where you are in New Zealand.

To find out more about the services she offers, head to and join her supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram.

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