Natures Sway are proud to announce their latest arrival – the Eco Stand. For many years it has been a dream of ours to produce a wooden stand to compliment the natural elements of the hammock and finally we found a local wood-crafting family business just as excited as us to produce this sweet little baby!
At only 4kg it packs down into an 88 x 24 x 8cm box you can take it anywhere. The cleverly designed aluminium lined leg joints hold the poles securely in place with full length stainless steel screws. And the top cross bars are solid and strong, enabling the whole structure to take over 170kg maximum weight – over 10 times the working weight for your baby.
Made with beautiful golden coloured heat-dried pine, this wood is grown sustainably and comes untreated and sealed with food grade natural oils and wax. Carefully sanded and finished, our crafters pride themselves on high quality inspection of every individual piece. Just like a tree, the wood will flex and bend a little, well before it breaks so you can rest assured this stand can take plenty of movement with your little one on board.
Now beyond the commercial realities of press releases and promotional material we really wanted to just be transparent about our logic and process for the design. We hope the following will be both informative and reassuring and demonstrate some of the thought and care we put into our products – with your family’s safety and comfort in mind.
Like the tubular metal stand we have been producing locally for well over a decade, the Eco Stand has the 4-legged design for great practical reasons like ease of construction, space saving, superior height, portability, packing down and downright stability. Alternative designs like the crescent moon stand are visually appealing but ultimately less practical, they take a lot of floor space and you have to compromise on height to gain stability. Or with the Scandinavian Tripod design – lovely to look at – but it tips over if you don’t attach or prop it to the ceiling (got to read the small print to work that one out).
We have stuck with the practical functional 4-legged design because: a) its height allows us to use the specially designed barrel spring and keep the primary motion of bouncing; b) baby is still about 40cm off the ground so you don’t have to get on your knees to put them in and out; c) it has a small foot print both literally and metaphorically; d) it is super stable and the legs restrict any swinging thus is practical and safe.