The Best and Safest Way to Hold Our Littlies

There is a proper way to carry our children to protect your pelvic floor and prevent pain and injury. Before you lift your littlie, inhale, and as you begin to lift them, exhale audibly. This exhale is going to lift your pelvic floor and engage your transverse abdominis (those deep core muscles), protecting your back. As you hold littlie in your arms, maintain a nice tall posture, think of stacking your rib cage over your pelvis, and avoid shifting forward and rounding the shoulders. Remember to use that core (to stabilise) as well as your arm muscles, and unclench those glutes! When you are carrying your littlie on your hip, remember not to “hang out” on that hip. Remain tall, and train yourself to switch sides constantly. By switching sides you will maintain balance between both sides of your body (and avoid back, neck and shoulder pain!).

Deep breathing is an excellent way to reawaken your core muscles, teach them to fire, and build resting tone. A strong core will build stability and strength, and eliminate the need to clench your glutes for support. Standing tall (and proud, like the amazing woman you are) will strengthen your back muscles and help you to avoid low back pain. To sum it up, if we constantly hang in our joints and ligaments instead of engaging our muscles, we will end up with injuries and pain. I know it can be difficult, but take a deep breath and remember to use those muscles. You got this, Mama!

Monica is a Maui Mama and an NASM certified personal trainer. She specialises in pregnancy and postpartum corrective exercise, helping women to regain proper function and strength in their core and pelvic floor. Find out more on her website and follow her journey on Instagram.

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