The Best Way to Detox & Why

Heavy metals 

Let’s focus on heavy metals as these are most easily identified in the body with hair tissue analysis and are very common. It’s a big topic, which I introduce here. 

‘But I don’t have heavy metals’ I hear you say. You may not know you do, but it is highly likely that in fact you do – inherited from our environment, our parents and even their parents. 

Some sources include:

  1. mercury amalgams. Most of us, our parents and their parents had dental amalgams – fillings containing mercury 
  2. vaccinations 
  3. corn syrup. Found in many packaged and processed foods 
  4. plastic toys 
  5. cookware 
  6. big, deep water fish e.g. tuna and marlin 
  7. aluminium products 
  8. cleaning and beauty products 
  9. insecticides and herbicides and many more. 

We can see how easily most of us in the Western World are harbouring a scourge of toxicity that the body masterfully deals with … until it can’t.  

Until those ‘quiet’ clues it’s been giving us, i.e. the weight gain, lethargy, digestive complaints, skin irritations or breakouts, anxiety, depression and so on and that we’ve ignored for so long or we’ve been far too busy to listen to – finally make us STOP and listen. ‘Thank you Mother Nature’. 

Those quiet clues that become louder and louder until ‘all of a sudden’ we HAVE to stop and listen because we physically can’t go on and we’ve become sick. 

It doesn’t need to be this way. The best way to detox is to take time each day to check in with our body’s wisdom. How do we FEEL? What do we need? More rest, better food, less food, more joy, more regular movement, more fresh air, sunshine or even just time to breathe deeply and be grateful.   

These simple choices support our detoxification channels naturally and in today’s world need to be an integral part of our lives. 

Prevention is better than the cure. 

It’s almost impossible to escape toxins. We can however be aware of what we’re exposing ourselves to and make toxic free choices plus ensure our bodies detoxification pathways are firing and gracefully support our body function – naturally. 

17 ways to detoxify naturally 

  1. Reduce inflammatory foods (gluten, dairy, refined sugar, processed foods) 
  2. Increase whole, organic foods 
  3. Add lemon, fermented foods, dark leafy greens, beetroot, chlorella, garlic, sprouts, coriander – especially 
  4. Try liver and other organ loving foods and herbs e.g. milk thistle, dandelion root, burdock root, slippery elm, licorice root
  5. Add good fats 
  6. Drink filtered water 
  7. Sleep 
  8. Upgrade cleaning, personal hygiene and beauty products to natural products 
  9. Remove electronic equipment from the home – especially the bedroom 
  10. Review radiation exposure in the home 
  11. Move regularly 
  12. Turn the wifi off before bed 
  13. Use essential oils 
  14. Get more sunshine 
  15. Cleanse or detox carefully (see below) 
  16. Eliminate toxic thoughts! 
  17. Listen to our bodies and what they need.

If any of these are new to you, you don’t need to jump in and upgrade all these choices at once! Choose 1 or 2 that resonate, upgrade your choice, and start to integrate it until it’s just a way of life, then turn your attention to your next best choice. 

And if your symptoms are chronic or you sense toxicity is an issue for you or your family seek medical advice and work with your Doctor or Health Practitioner on a detoxification program. 

Or join me on my online ‘gentle cleanse’, check out the details here or email me at  I’d love you to join us. 

After working as an executive in professional services, Kate Barnes started her global business as a Certified Holistic Health Coach. She has a Bachelor of Science and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business. Kate runs an online program, ‘Our Happy Children‘, a leading education program for deeply nourishing families and building strong immunity, great energy and preventing illness. For more information visit Kate’s website, like her Facebook page for loads of daily inspiration, healthy tips and recipes and follow her on Instagram.

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