The Invaluable App to Guide & Support You Through Postpartum

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

An enormous amount of work has gone into the development of the app. During this process I made several modifications to the app’s original blueprint and as a result, the initial launch date has been pushed back multiple times. I have not wanted my followers to feel as though I have left an open-ended promise and so I have done my utmost to keep my social media audience updated and informed every step of the way.

Along with a few business challenges, I’ve also faced a few personal challenges.

One of them being how “time” poor I am at this stage of my life. Finding and allocating almost every small bit of spare time (when I’m not spending it with my babies) to the business has been tough. Starting a business, whilst being a wife, maintaining a home, raising my toddler and being pregnant has truly tested my multitasking capabilities. However, I believe that there is never the perfect time for anything in life and sometimes you just need to step out of your comfort bubble and take a leap despite the odds that may be against you.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

I absolutely love what I do, and for as long as I work within the maternal industry, I’ll never work another day in my life.

I think having the privilege of being able to pursue something I feel so passionate about brings an incredible sense of fulfilment and is essentially such a wonderful side to running your own business.

It is so rewarding to have the freedom and flexibility to set my own schedule and work the hours that suit my family. To witness my ideas and visions come to life has also been incredible and such a positive aspect to running your own business.   

Falling pregnant whilst starting the development of Mindful Mummys was a whirlwind of fun and games. It tested and challenged me on many occasions but ultimately pushed me beyond my comfort zone. Being a two-time mum has provided me with so much pertinent information and real-life experiences, all relevant to the guidance I wish to provide mothers with via the app.

A downside to running my own business has been the difficulty of switching off from “work.” My mind is almost always in work mode, constantly thinking about the next task that needs my attention. This can sometimes distract me from my family during dedicated family time and can at times cause some mental fatigue. As mentioned, it has been important for me to allocate dedicated time for work and family.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

In the short-term, I hope that the app does exactly what it was built to do: to provide new mums with connection, clarity, support, and guidance.

I hope that the Mindful Mummys public support forums take shape and provide mums with a virtual safe space where they can chat amongst each other, relate and ultimately feel connected. I hope that this app will be every new mum’s survival guide to motherhood, providing a place of security and comfort as well as provide the resources a new mother might need.

For me personally, I am planning to become a doula to support and guide new mothers through their childbirth and postpartum journeys.

In the long-term, I aspire to expand the app beyond the perinatal phase. I hope to provide information, support and guidance for parents trying to conceive and on the other end, I hope to expand past a baby’s first year and provide information and guidance for mothers and their babies up until their first year of school.

I hope to provide the comfort and support every parent needs, to create a community and to wrap our virtual arms around every single mum.

Visit the Mindful Mummys website and join their community here. You can also connect with them on Instagram and TikTok.

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