The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
We face new challenges every day, especially during the start-up phase, such as manufacturing, patent/trademark, and financial issues. However, I learn to deal and pivot from each challenge and become stronger as a brand. These challenges require further assessment and put us in a better position for the next encounter, because you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be one…
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
I’m in a position where I can make my own decisions, and define my own mission and values. You get to start with a blank canvas, and everything created has come alive from your own work. It’s absolutely daunting and at times stressful because more than likely there’s the financial pressures, but it’s also extremely rewarding and exciting to challenge yourself and get out of the comfort zone. I’m learning something new every day.
Hopes and dreams: What next?
I hope to share this bottle of freedom with any parent who could use that little bit of convenience. I gifted some samples to Kayla Itsines and Gretta van Riel and they loved it!!! We believe Mekė Baby has the potential to take the hassle out of feeding on the go, so we hope to get it in the hands of the people who need it most!
Visit the Mekė Baby website to find out more and join their communities on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.