Pelvic curls
Why: Towards the end of pregnancy, spinal mobility is limited. It’s important to bring this mobility back into the spine once the baby is born. This exercise will help you to find where you are stiff and teach you to use your core and glutes together to open up your lower back.
How: Lying on your back, with feet hip distance apart and arms pressing into the floor beside your thighs. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, tilt your pelvis backwards and then lift your pelvis and spine, one vertebra at a time until you reach your shoulder blades. Inhale at the top and then exhale as you lower your spine and pelvis back down. Ensure that at the top of the curl, your ribs and hips are still drawing towards one another.
Repeat x10
Complete 2 – 3 rounds (more if you have more time), take a big breath in and out and have a wonderful day.
Unwind Pilates Studio
If you would like more Pilates just like this in your life, specifically programmed for your post-natal body, sign up for the Unwind Pilates Post Natal Program. If you want to keep getting tips and moves to make you feel good and get you moving throughout the day, head over to the Unwind Pilates Studio Instagram page.