Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
Family is and will always be the main priority, and if that means I have to put the kids to bed and stay up until midnight making products, then so be it! (pray for me). However, it’s extremely important for me to be realistic and have clear set boundaries, which involves tuning in and listening to my body’s needs – because if I burn out, there won’t be time for work OR family. I do daily self-practices to help me with this, because exhaustion can often go unnoticed when life is so full on.
The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
The main challenge would be that balancing of family and working life. Running a business from home with two wild boys can be incredibly exhausting, along with the invested time and energy with study and bringing WiseRemedies to life. However, it has all been lessons in dedication and resilience, and I’m proud to say that I still manage to maintain my sanity most days, ha!

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
I’m lucky enough to do what I love – and most of the time this doesn’t even feel like work! I love that I get to set my own schedule and have the ability to be a little lenient with that if need be, which is totally necessary at times, as most mumtrepreneurs would agree. There are certainly some days where it can be hard to be my own self-motivator, days where it feels I’m stumbling over all of the hurdles and diving through rings of fire to make a deadline. These types of days the time, energy and resources it takes to run a business from home can be quite overwhelming. This is where strategic planning, discipline and balance are key, and the hard days are generally reminders to check in with that.
Hopes and dreams: What next?
Ohh I’m so excited for what’s next! I have many more products on the way, including some all-natural animal products, for our lovely furry companions.
Learn more about Wise Remedies on their website or join their online communities on Facebook and Instagram.