With a background in Health Science and Animal Nutrition, Emma Wise began experimenting with handcrafted skin products, with a focus on maintaining natural balance and sustainability. With the launch of WiseRemedies, she created a space where she can share her journey and visions alongside her own natural creations.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
One thing that really compelled me to turn what was essentially a love and a hobby into a business, was noticing a major issue in the marketing of skincare and beauty – whether natural, organic, or not, the marketing almost always pointed a big ugly finger towards fixing “physical flaws” rather than just plain and simply focussing on feeling lovely (physically, mentally and spiritually). It seems all too easy to adopt this marketing strategy to make a quick buck, but it just doesn’t sit right in my consciousness because if I was going to claim to be “all natural” then I must also wholeheartedly need to embrace the natural processes of the body, especially in terms of ageing. So, I decided to create products that are intended to make you feel wonderful – naturally – and steer clear of regarding the body as a stigma. Everybody deserves to feel beautiful, inside and out, and I truly don’t believe that such mentally toxic dictations can achieve this. My products are all handcrafted, by me, with good intentions for both you and the environment. My only wish is for you to feel beautifully nourished, to broadcast simplicity and versatility, and strive toward playing a part in the protection of our loving Earth, including all of its unique inhabitants!

I love to encourage people to believe that no chemical, no surgery, no “fixing” can enhance beauty more than believing in your own, to truly embrace your humanness, your authenticity, and run with that. It’s all about being kind to yourself and keeping it real.
The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
I began studying my Bachelor of Health Science from the age of 17, and from there I went on to study Animal Nutrition, and eventually Business.
Although I’d developed an interest in natural health from a young age, it wasn’t until my first pregnancy that I really delved into the concept of a chemical-free and frugal lifestyle, and especially the importance of being aware of every ingredient that we allow our largest organ (our skin!) to come into contact with. I loved experimenting in making whatever I needed. Not only was this healthier, but also much more economic! I’d always make a little extra for family and friends, who were always very encouraging along this journey.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
I suppose the biggest breakthrough would have been the realisation that I could actually offer my products to the big wide world through the positive feedback from friends and family that were testing my creations and encouraging me to turn this into a business. Not only that, but feeling a calling to educate others and shed a light on what is essentially quite a dark and damaging industry and I’m grateful to now have the space to do this.