Viva La Vulva: Taking care of ‘down there’

In order to get some balance I make sure I take time out to relax and have fun. I spend a lot of quality time with my family and friends and I’m there for the important events. I also spend time on my personal interests and this is often when my most creative ideas come to me. 

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

When I started delving into the world of vaginal postpartum care and recovery, there was this whole hidden side that nobody really talks about. The birth recovery seemed somewhat taboo to discuss openly. I found this surprising and wanted to change this by making it a more accessible topic. Just the fact that there isn’t much out there in the way of vaginal healing care after birth, tells us a hell of a lot. I found this challenging because experiences around postpartum care need to be openly discussed, so all mamas can feel comfortable with the healing process and fully understand what is happening to their bodies. 

Being bold and telling it like it is, is inherent to the Viva La Vulva brand and way of life. And part of the drive behind the packaging was inspired by breaking down the taboo of talking about postpartum care and vaginas… So, we decided to go all out with our packaging to spread the message of “You got this mama!” or “You bloody did it!”, “You made a human!”. To get into the package you literally tear open a metaphorical vagina on the front. It’s in your face, making it hard to ignore. Labour and postpartum care, whether its vaginal or through the sunroof – is f*cking hard, and every mama deserves to be well looked after.  

“We take care of down there, while you take care of your baby!” 

We are celebrating vaginas and motherhood, making sure mamas know they are doing a good job even when sh*t gets hard. We are creating a space for mamas to feel comfortable talking about their postpartum recovery journey. We want to be a part of the conversation that continues the female empowerment revolution!  

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

Running your own business is awesome because you get to make the decisions and lead the direction of the brand. You can run it in a way that suits your chosen lifestyle and it’s great having that flexibility. But of course it can be super hard too. Finding the confidence and the backing to take that leap to launch a new idea can be pretty scary, but if you are 100% invested in your business, have done your research and have the means to do it, it’s totally worth it.  

Hearing the difference Viva La Vulva is making for mamas out there helps our team through any of the challenging stuff that comes along with running a new small business.  

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

Our hopes and dreams… To help mamas on their postpartum recovery journey world-wide and become a globally recognised brand! To become a hive of super helpful information, where mamas share their experiences, where mamas can find tips and tricks for postpartum recovery, and also a supportive place mamas can come to get real-talk and open conversation. To extend our line of all-natural postpartum care products and we have some awesome ideas in the works… so watch this space!  

Viva La Vulva’s mission is to support mamas through what can be a very emotional, challenging, but also hopefully empowering time! We’re currently working on getting Viva La Vulva out there, building the brand, getting into pharmacies, supermarkets, into midwives’ hands and boutique stores. If you’d like to stock Viva La Vulva please get in touch. 

Join the Viva La Vulva revolution by visiting their website and joining their supportive Facebook and Instagram communities.

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