Why do kids get sick?

Without placing more responsibility on us mums, there are 3 things that happen

1. As a baby’s immunity is so immature, mothers have the incredible ability to transfer their immunity on to their baby (passive immunity). For example, antibodies are passed from mother to baby through the placenta. This helps give the baby some protection when they are born, lasting a few months after birth and making them less vulnerable to illness. Mother Nature’s genius at work. However, the type and number of antibodies passed on to the baby depends on the mother’s own level of immunity at the time. 

2. During birth, bacteria from the mother’s vagina are passed to the baby, helping build a colony of bacteria in the baby’s gut (creating their microbiome) and helping children’s immunity evolve. 

3. After birth, more antibodies are passed on to the baby in colostrum and in breast milk. But babies’ immune systems remain quite immature. 

Babies produce their own antibodies every time they are exposed to a virus or germ, but it takes time for this immunity to fully develop.  

Our health as mothers when we have children directly affects the health/immunity of our babies. Which is another great reason to keep mothers well-nourished and strong through preconception, pregnancy and beyond.   

Personally, our children were both caesareans – not ideal for building strong immunity or gut health, yet they both have strong immunities. 

I believe this because: 

  • they rarely get sick. 
  • if they do get sick it’s not for long. 
  • when their buddies get sick, they don’t – even though they’re exposed to the same bug(s). 
  • between them they’ve had antibiotics 3 times in their lives. 
  • they’ve never been hospitalised (apart from a broken finger). 
  • I can’t remember our last doctors visit.  

So even if your child’s immunity is low, it can be strengthened. But you need to start now. Don’t wait until they get sick again or show the first sniffle. It starts now, so their bodies can extinguish that bug as soon as they’re exposed to it. 

The earlier you start the easier, quicker and better it is. And, importantly, avoid time off work, school and the worry of having sick kids. 

What to do and where to start? 

1. With good food. 

“Under nutrition decreases immune defences, making an individual more susceptible to infection”.   Reference

Plus this from PubMed: “Micronutrient deficiencies (i.e. vitamins and minerals) impair immune function“.  The best source of these nutrients is from the food we eat – a good diet is key, especially for babies (breastfeeding mums) and toddlers. 

But I know it’s not always easy, especially with fussy eaters in the house! (FYI one of my superpowers is getting kids enjoying a wider variety of nutrient rich foods). OR perhaps they eat well but their immunity is still low. There are many good reasons this could be the case.  

2. In the meantime, to strengthen your family’s immunity:
  • If you haven’t already, download my ebook, ‘Why kids get sick‘ previously ‘Strong immunity and healthy tummies’. It’s jam-packed full of simple tips, recipes and remedies. 
  • Or to resolve issues you’re working with now, contact me to have a brief chat about the best course of action. Please schedule some time in our diaries here

This is a simplified overview of how this complex system develops in the early years. There are many other factors that affect the strength of our immunity which I outline in my ebook. However, even if your child’s immunity is low, it can be strengthened ensuring they have the healthy, active childhood they’re entitled to and later, a vital, energetic adolescence taking them into a long, healthy and happy adulthood. 



After working as an executive in professional services, Kate Barnes started her global business as a Certified Holistic Health Coach. She has a Bachelor of Science and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business. Kate runs an online program, ‘Our Happy Children‘, a leading education program for deeply nourishing families and building strong immunity, great energy and preventing illness. For more information visit Kate’s website, like her Facebook page for loads of daily inspiration, healthy tips and recipes and follow her on Instagram.

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