Your Unique Online Course for Preparing for Life with a Baby

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

The biggest challenge for me was learning about running a business. I wasn’t very business minded. As a nurse, it is just in my bones to want to help people and so all the business side was a bit of a headache, but I was determined to make my dream into a reality and so I had a lot of learning to do.

Time management was also a struggle at first as there was a lot of valuable content that I wanted to get across and a very busy family life in the midst of it all. I learnt to ask for help, something I have never been good at, and I enlisted the help of an online expert who helped me to build my website and course structure. This help enabled me to manage my time better and gave me more freedom to provide the best content possible for new mums to learn from and enjoy.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

I love running my own business as I find helping people so rewarding. Being at the helm of my Motherclub community enables me to watch people grow and be a part of one of the biggest transitions of their life, so I feel incredibly privileged and grateful. It is impossible to measure whether my course has saved a future mum from overwhelm and anxiety, but if I think I could have potentially saved just one, then I have achieved my goal.

Being creative with advertising on social media is also exciting and something I really enjoy doing, but on the flip side of this, putting my own creations out there does make me feel a bit vulnerable at times, wondering what people are thinking. I have my belief in what I am doing to see me through and on to the next reel though!

Hopes and dreams: What next?

I am currently working on a podcast called “Mum chats for the Mums to be” where I am interviewing other mums and asking them to share their experiences and tips for postpartum. I am really enjoying gathering the content for this and chatting to other women as no two experiences are the same.

The current course is based on life with a baby, 0-3 months, and so I want the future to hold further series to this: the 3-6-month course, 6-12 months and then on to what life’s like with a toddler, child and children. Who knows, maybe one day I could even write a book!

I am very much an optimistic person with big visions and so anything is possible!

Visit the What Life’s Like With a Baby website to find out more, and join their supportive communities on Facebook and Instagram. You can also follow along on TikTok and grab some freebies here.

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