Capturing the Little Moments: Photos For Jean

Photography: Photos For Jean

How well do we remember the little moments we have with our kids? How well do we remember the Sunday afternoons kicking a ball around or reading picture books snuggled up on the couch? Why don’t we photograph that stuff?

Our current every day is not always going to be our every day. What if in 20 years’ time we could look back on family photos to not only laugh at our fashion but to be filled with overwhelming joy at having clung to the little moments? Because those moments we deem small – they are actually the big moments. The moments that really matter.

Abbe from Photos for Jean specialises in capturing the everyday moments. Her exclusive Everyday Life Sessions are perfect for the conscious parent and the camera shy alike. We sat down with Abbe to ask her a few questions…

Abbe Jean

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
The passion that springs me out of bed early and keeps me at my desk editing late, is people. My love of capturing interaction, gummy smiles and muddy feet. Photos for Jean grew from a place within me, where only love resides.  So I felt it was natural to become someone able to showcase people and love.

Why do you believe in capturing the everyday?
Sitting kids for a portrait in their best clothes and washed faces is so unnatural for them, often their true personality gets lost in the whole performance. I’d much prefer to spend time with them in their environment where they can have jam on their face while they retell a wild adventure they took that morning. To me, the everyday is so much more important!

The Launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
It began in high school where I was not allowed to take photography as a subject because I had not taken art in previous years. I can’t draw to save myself so why would I have? A boarding school gal pal who did take photography was showing me an image she was entering in the New Zealand Secondary School’s competition. So I entered too. After I took home a big prize I was asked if I wanted to join the class. Instead, I went out with the camera I won and started photographing families. That was ten years ago and I am still as passionate and self-motivated today.

Photography: Photos For Jean
Photography: Photos For Jean
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